Online Appointments
By Peter Demaio
Are all Online Appointments the same?
In a word NO!
AutoMed Systems provides stable, intuitive access to the GP, nurses and associated facilities 24/7 without your patient having to register with a 3rd party.
This results in no duplicate files, no chance of data harvesting or data sales and no external advertising to your patients. You have complete control.
Real time appointments are made online via your website or via the AMS mobile app with the patient able to select their specific appointment type while AutoMed automatically links the doctor, the nurse, the treatment room and even the equipment if need be. No more patients turning up and not being able to assist them due to unavailable resources. (All AutoMed services support multiple locations running on a single database)
AutoMed’s online appointments detect new patients and provides the option to complete your practice’s new patient registration form online which is saved directly to their new record in BP or MD.
Appointment confirmations are sent immediately following an online booking via SMS at ONE LOW FIXED PRICE (with unlimited text messages), and follow-up reminders minimising DNAs are handled via AutoMed’s SMS automation services too. You cannot afford to have patients not turn up.
Patients can view and manage all their appointments online or on the mobile app 24/7, regardless of how they were made. The mobile app allows them to manage family member’s appointments too without having to log in or out.
There are no set up costs, no cost for new patients and certainly no sending your patients to a clinic up the road. All this is available on a 1-month, no-obligation free trial.
Visit www.automedsystems.com.au to sign up today.