This utility is the first of a range of features that enables clinics to manage, contact and adjust their appointment book in bulk.
Currently 6 functions available:
- Generic Report
- Payment Report
- New Patient Report
- Consent Report
- Missing Key Data Report
- Telehealth Report
The report filter allows you to quickly pinpoint targeted data by selecting Clinic Location, Doctor, Appointment Type and Data Range.

Generic Report
- Bulk actions in the report allow Users to Bulk Change appointment types and to SMS all selected patients from the list.
- Sending a personalised text message to the selected patients is a powerful tool to quickly communicate to a selected list of patients, for example when a Flu clinic is cancelled, or a doctor is off sick.
- Change a Face-to-Face appointment to an AutoMed Video Consult and trigger an automated SMS to all selected patients to inform them of the change to Telehealth. The message includes a single click Telehealth URL that patients can click to connect to their doctor at the time of the consult.
Payment Report
- Lists all appointments that have an active AutoMed payment token directly linked to the appointment.
- Extremely helpful at the start and end of day.
- Clinics can use this to see which appointments AutoMed will pull into the billing cycle and to see if any appointments are still waiting for an invoice to be created in the clinic at the end of the day.
New Patients Report
- Lists ALL New Patients that are due to come in over the selected date range are listed, with an indicator if they have completed the New Patient Registration form.
- Allow Ad Hoc SMS reminder to be resent to patient that have not yet compete the form.
- The SMS will prompt patient to open a unique and secure link to complete their registration prior to the appointment.
- Filter will advise number of messages sent.
Consent Report
- Lists all appointments that are linked to an AutoMed digital form.
- AutoMed can link an interactive digital form to each appointment type.
- This report provides quick access to proactively view these documents, with the ability to resend a unique and secure URL link via text message to patient to complete the digital form prior to the consult.
- Filter will advise number of messages sent.
Missing Data Report
- Lists all existing patients that are missing key data – ATSI, Address, Medicare Details and Emergency contact details.
- A unique and secure link can be sent via SMS, requesting patients to complete a registration form prior to their consult.
- All demographic data fields are written back into Best Practice and PracSoft automatically.
Telehealth Report
- Gives a consolidated view of the AutoMed Video Consults within the selected date range.
- An AutoMed Video URL can be sent or re-sent using this interactive report.