Send a Digitised Version of the Patients DB4 vis Secure SMS to allow
your patient to assign the Medicare Benefit back to the Practitioner.

Digitise your Bulk Billing Assignment Process
AutoMed has digitised the process of the DB4(e), the Approval /Decline by the patient and the writeback of the assignment to the patient file.
Can be linked to Offsite (TeleHealth) or Face-to-Face Appointments as required.
A digital record is written to BP’s visit notes to indicate that the patient
Approved/Declined the Medicare Benefit Assignment process via AutoMed.
A digital key is created and stored in AutoMed to record the Mobile Number, DOB, Patient Name and Surname, Device IP and exact date and time of the Digital Benefit Assignment.
The form is then available to the patient to save as a PDF and also placed into the clinics AutoMed Dashboard in the Medicare Benefit Assignment Utility tab.
The SMS message is generated automatically once the invoice has been raised in the clinic’s PMS.
Follow-up SMS’ can be triggered as required within the Utility.
Notes Feature.
Errors/amendments and reversals etc are for the Clinic to monitor and attend to as per clinics own internal processes.
Patients receive a secure SMS from the clinic’s dedicated AutoMed Message gateway.
The Secure SMS will always be delivered from a dedicated mobile number that has been assigned to the clinic.