Easy T Medical Centre

2/42 Scottsdale Dr, Robina, 07 5503 6333

We are a mixed billing practice with any payments required on the day.
Generally $90 standard appt / $130 long appt with overnight rebates for Medicare service.
Bulk billing is available for concession card holders and those under 16.

If you are experiencing a Medical Emergency call 000. Do NOT book an appointment.

Please let reception know if you have ANY type of cold, flu, gastro or allergy symptoms (fever, sore throat, sniffle, a cough) PRIOR to going in to see the doctor in their room. This is to keep staff and vulnerable patients safe from the spread of colds, flu and Covid. Please bring a mask with you and phone from outside on arrival.

*Eligibility for Telehealth is having seen a GP in person at our practice in the last 12 months

We encourage patients of our practice to register for MyMedicare. This will allow longer Telehealth services if needed. Do this via the Medicare app or ask Reception or your Doctor for a registration form when at the practice..

Easy T MC