16 Partridge Street
08 7228 5818
At Pear Tree Family Practice and Little Pears we offer both face-to-face and Telehealth consultations (usual private fees apply for both). To be eligible for the Medicare rebate you MUST have seen a GP at either practice in the previous 12 months (exception of children under 12 months of age). If you do not meet this criteria for TeleHealth, you will incur a full fee and no Medicare rebate will apply.
If you have any respiratory/infectious symptoms, you can be seen face-to-face in a Respiratory Clinic appointment at Little Pears, please ensure you book into one of these appointments or change your appointment to Telehealth if you are unwell.
At Pear Tree Family Practice and Little Pears, we are committed to high quality medical care. Your Medicare rebate covers only part of the costs of providing this care. For this reason, we charge a gap fee for each consultation (including follow up results consults). Please Click Here for a list of our fees.